Makeup for Women Over 40…aka…Why I Started an Instagram

Makeup for Women Over 40…aka…Why I Started an Instagram

I watch a lot of YouTube makeup channels. I mean a lot! I watch them for tutorials, reviews, sneak peeks, and general makeup talk. When I go to look for makeup channels with women who more represent me (at least on paper), they couldn’t be more different than I am. Let me explain…

I am a woman over 40. I have always liked makeup but, I have become a makeup junkie over the past few years. I now have an actual collection of makeup. In the last few years, I have practiced and practiced the techniques I learned online. I am by no means a professional. I love doing my makeup! I realized that all the channels I watch and Instagrams I follow are run by girls almost half my age…I mean they are all at least 10 years younger. So I decided I wanted to support someone more my age doing makeup on YouTube and Instagram. I found a number of pages that talk about skin becoming more mature. Lots of information on skin care (which I have mentioned before is very personal). Most importantly, I saw over and over again RULES for makeup after 40! Wait! Really? There are rules?

Never Use Matte Foundation

Apparently, as we age, our skin looses its natural luster. Therefore, if you use a matte foundation, your skin will look dull and dry and it will age you. On the same topic, you should also not use a full coverage foundation. I love a good matte foundation. I have noticed that my everyday routine has shifted away from full coverage but, I still go that route now and again. I like adding a little illumination, either with a primer or a finishing powder, more often than not. I love shimmery bronzers and blushes. I hate a dewy foundation. It always feel heavy to my skin. However, to tell anyone what will look best on their skin just because they became some age on a calendar is ridiculous. Mentioning that if you are no longer in love with your foundation you might look for less coverage or more illumination is just a direction. Making it a rule is just stupid!

Stay Away From Bright Colors

Bright colors are for young people. You are now mature and refined and should stick to neutrals. You should also stick to the tried and true basic ways of applying said colors. I love color! I love a smokey eye! I like experimenting with shape and color placement. Who decided that people should forget to have fun as they get older. Getting older should be fun in itself. You should keep doing whatever makes you feel good. It’ll keep you young and vital!

No More Glitter

Glitter makes you look like you are trying too hard to look young. I cry a big fat BS on this one. I love glitter! A little sparkle never hurt anyone. I put it on my eyes. I don’t care if my highlighter has glitter in it. I have chunky glitter that I put around my eyes. I have glitter eyeliner. I say sparkle and shine. You earned it!

I realized that there aren’t any people like me that I could find easily. I finally decided to put my face out there. I was keeping it to myself so this could be more anonymous but, I want others who are over 40 and feel like breaking the rules to have the guts to do so. If I can’t do it, why should I expect others to?

I love to experiment with my eyeshadow especially. I like to try new things. It is my only real artistic expression. I don’t have any other artistic tendencies but, I like to play with color. It is a departure from my job where everything is very methodical. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. I am not a professional so, you won’t see everything I do on my Instagram…just like I don’t talk about all of it on here.

So why Instagram and not YouTube? A few reasons really. I am not trying to make this a job. I have my dream job. This is my creative release. In the honest attempt to be completely transparent, I am writing this blog using a nom de plume. Again, as a way to separate this from my professional life. I love to write and to read. I enjoy it so much that I made it a goal this year to take more time to write. Not just on here but, in a journal for myself as well. I tend to ramble when I am passionate about something so videos might be hard for me. To be completely honest, I am scared of the technology involved in creating video content. The idea of editing and adding in screen shots of items or whatever seems very daunting. Maybe someday I will try it. For now I just really enjoy taking pictures. And lastly, I can’t imagine filming anything even remotely like a tutorial. I am not a professional. I know what works for me from a bunch of trial and error. I have no idea how to explain that to someone else, especially not while also trying to create the look.

Those are all of the reasons that led me to Instagram. I hope you will follow me there as well. I hope you find some inspiration in the pictures I choose to share. There will be makeup of course but, also things that inspire me or put me in a good mood. I hope you enjoy the content.

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